After losing 350 pounds, a woman almost had her beach vacation ruined by bullies
Jacquelina Adan shed 350 pounds by working hard. She put on a bathing suit on the beach for the first time in a very long time and felt both excited and apprehensive. And a few obnoxious bystanders almost marred the historic occasion by laughing and pointing. But this amazing woman had come too far to allow it to take place. Her reply is incredibly motivating!
Jacquelina once weighed more than 500 pounds. She also resisted donning a bathing suit for many years. But following a motivating journey to lose weight, things have changed!

The humiliating incident at Disneyland where the preschool teacher got stopped in a turnstile made her realise she needed to make major changes in her life.
She admitted, “I was very much horrified.”
When she was finally free, she fled to the restroom and sobbed. But as the tears stopped, Jacquelina made a decision to change. She hadn’t weighed herself in a long time, so when she saw 510 pounds on the scale, she was in disbelief.
She said, “I felt I was going to pass out.” This cannot possibly be real life.
Jacquelina was now even more committed. She would manage her weight, finally!
Naturally, altering your life is not a simple feat. However, that is what makes Jacquelina so motivational. She spent years working with dietitians, eating well, and exercising rather than looking for a “fast cure.” And as a result of her tireless efforts, Jacquelina shed 350 pounds.
Bullying of a Woman Who Lost 350 Pounds
Years after her embarrassing trip to Disneyland, Jacquelina took a vacation in Mexico. She had not worn a swimming suit without a coverup in so long, but after losing 350 pounds, she felt ready to do so.
“I was anxious to remove my cover up and enter the pool or stroll along the beach. Jacquelina said, “I still felt like the same 500-pound girl.
Jacquelina was prepared to confront her concerns nevertheless.
Maybe they would have applauded as Jacquelina removed her disguise if the people around her had known how much blood, sweat, and tears had gone into that particular moment. Sadly, just one couple paid attention. And they mocked Jacquelina while pointing and laughing harshly.
The totally pointless body shaming might have ruined the occasion. In fact, it might have rendered the trip useless altogether. Jacquelina claims that would have occurred in the past.
She claims that if she had let their remarks influence her trip, she probably wouldn’t have returned to the pool or beach.
But she’s a different woman now! A Different Woman
Jacquelina made the decision to move on from the unfavourable response, even though it still bothered her. She took a long breath, then made the decision to smile and enter the pool rather than allowing their response to depress her.
She remarked, “That was a big time for me. I had evolved. I was no longer the same girl.
Jacquelina’s figure had transformed, but she had also dropped 350 pounds. Her heart also underwent a transformation. Even while cruel remarks and mocking still stung, she understood that other people’s opinions did not determine how valuable she was.
That’s when it dawned on me: why am I going to allow their thoughts impact me when they have no idea about my weight loss? What important is how I feel about myself,” she asserts. And for that reason, I grinned at them and dove into the water. ”
God has a miraculous way of using our suffering for good. Jacquelina has been blogging about her weight loss journey ever since she began it in the aim of encouraging others. And it immediately gained popularity after she spoke about her body-shaming experience on Instagram.
It means the world to me to know that it has reached so many people and that I am receiving so many comments and messages from individuals thanking me for writing this piece.
“, says her. “I hope people can focus on who they are and ignore everyone who tries to drag them down if I can feel attractive and happy in my physique, with tonnes of loose skin, even after shedding 350 pounds! ”
God has a miraculous way of using our suffering for good. Jacquelina has been blogging about her weight loss journey ever since she began it in the aim of encouraging others. And it immediately gained popularity after she spoke about her body-shaming experience on Instagram.
It means the world to me to know that it has reached so many people and that I am receiving so many comments and messages from individuals thanking me for writing this piece.
“, says her. “I hope people can focus on who they are and ignore everyone who tries to drag them down if I can feel attractive and happy in my physique, with tonnes of loose skin, even after shedding 350 pounds! ”
And this incredible woman, who has shed 350 pounds, has some advice for those people trying to slim down.:
1: When establishing goals, be reasonable
Jacquelina knew she intended to lose more than 200 pounds when she began her weight loss quest. But instead of concentrating on the enormous, ominous number, she divided her weight loss objectives into more manageable chunks.
I tried not to see the whole picture because I would become really overwhelmed if I did, she remarked. She advised taking things “one day at a time, one pound at a time.” “We set the target at about 50 pounds. Let’s try to complete 10 and then another 10.
2: Take it slow
It takes time to become in shape again. When Jacquelina initially started working out, she could barely walk for five minutes before becoming exhausted. But she persisted. When she could complete 10, she continued to walk for another five minutes. She then persisted until she could complete 15. 20 follows, and so on. She would complete as much of the fitness DVD as she could. And she increased her endurance as she persisted. Remember, Rome wasn’t constructed overnight!
3: Avoid going it alone:
You’re going to require assistance if you’re serious about losing weight. Find a someone who can assist hold you responsible. When you are aware of an audience, quitting becomes more difficult. Jacquelina’s fiance worked out with her when she felt like skipping a session because she was too exhausted or hurting.
She recruited the aid of trainers as soon as she began attending to the gym. They checked to make sure she wasn’t skipping exercises or going too slowly. When an exercise proved too difficult, they assisted her in learning adaptations to keep moving.
4:Not all ignorance is bliss
We frequently see the scale as our enemy and steer clear of it at all costs. Jacquelina avoided the scale after gaining a significant amount of weight. But she only put on weight while she was in denial. She now understands it was a mistake to ignore the scale.
She added, “If I had known the number, I might have begun sooner.”
5: Don’t get too fixated on numbers
Jacquelina discovered that she was unable to feel content when her attention was on the weight. Despite having lost 350 pounds, she was disappointed to find 160 on the scale. And the longer it persisted, the more hopeless she became. Then she understood the scale’s reading is not the last word.
In place of letting the scale determine my weight, I need to feel myself in my body, she remarked. “I want to base my [success] on how I feel once all the operations are over and I can actually see my body for real,” the patient said.
She’s exercising, eating well, and leading a healthy lifestyle. Not a number, that is the ultimate objective.
In general, Jacquelina just wants to inspire others.
“I am aware that this path may be challenging and frightening. I am aware that it can be quite difficult to ignore when people make fun of, criticise, or otherwise attempt to knock us down. However, I guarantee that you will eventually learn to stop taking those remarks and those people personally. Because it doesn’t matter what other people think of us or how they feel about us; what counts is how we feel about ourselves! ”
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