Always believe, Good things come to those who wait
Good things come to those who wait. Better things come to those who don’t give up and the best things come to those who believe.
There’s no great word like faith and I can remember many times God told us that even if we have faith so small like a mustard seed we can be able to move mountains and valleys.
God didn’t make that declaration for anything; he knew what he was talking about.

Have you ever been in any situation when all odds seem to be against you and at that moment you feel like falling off the rails and joining the bandwagon?
I graduated with a first-class and still couldn’t get a job because of the economy of the country.
They were moments I felt like going into cybercrime as most of my friends were doing‚ but some part of me encouraged me to keep on believing and hoping for the best at last.
I believed that God’s plans for me were bigger than I can ever be imaging and hence I shouldn’t be faster than my shadows.
It didn’t take long before luck finally shined on my side; I attended a seminar on youth empowerment and it was at that moment all the skills I have forgotten came back again.
I was very good at shoemaking and I knew at that moment that it was my calling; I took a loan from the organization and started up a business immediately.
I started with just two helping hands and within a space of two years I have set up a brand already for myself.
We expanded and I have other shops in different areas of the country; my brand becomes an international export and looking back at the growth and the background I was coming from‚ I owe it all to God.
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