Black sheep of the family
Sometimes, the black sheep of the family is the only one who has the balls, to tell the truth.
While growing up, I looted the firstborn of my family as he was always at loggerheads with my parents.
I wondered the kind of child that would want to tear the family apart nor argue with people that birthed him.
I enjoy being the black sheep of the family …Black sheep are the prettiest & don’t show as much dirt as the white ones.

It never made sense to me why he did everything he wanted and always talked back at my parents while the rest of us were just meek and humble.
He once told my parents that they were dictators and imposing their life decisions on us; there was some truth in whatever he said, but why would I agree with someone who was always at loggerheads with my lovely parents.
We all called him the black sheep of the family and avoided him like a plague.
He wanted to be a dancer and wanted to go to a dancing school, while my parents were solely against it. My dad wanted him to be a lawyer so he will take over the family business, but he didn’t want to hear of it.
He said he was going to follow his passion and moved out of the house.
When I was in high school, I wanted to be an art student, as I loved writing and wanted to be the author of many books, but that’s not what my family wanted.
My mom wanted me to be a medical doctor, and I didn’t want to hurt her and I follow her decisions.
It’s been decades already and my parents are late; my brother is doing very great and what matters is that he is happy while I am stuck with a profession I have no atom of likeness for.
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