Christmas prayer
This Christmas, I pray that happiness be at your door. May it knock early, stay late, and leave the gifts of peace, joy, love and good health.
Christmas brings with it an air of hope and love. The hope of wishing for dreams to come true, and the love of family and friends. In the toughest of times, Christmas sprinkles a thrill of joy all over the place.

At thanksgiving, we recount all the things we are grateful for,at Christmas, we are reminded of those things. Be grateful for all the love and hope you are surrounded by, regardless of how things might seem.
Christmas brings us glad tidings and good wishes. We give out the good wishes and receive them from people too. This Christmas, I have a basket full of good wishes for you. This Christmas, I wish you happiness. It is my prayer that happiness comes to visit you very early this Christmas and stay late. May it knock early on your door.
I pray happiness finds its home with you. I pray it permeates the very fibre of your home and leave its fragrance on everything that concerns.

This Christmas, I pray thay happiness leaves you with beautiful gifts. May it leave you with joy. A joy so deep and profound that even in the face of adversity, your joy remains. May your joy be full, so full that it flows over the brim, or overflow like a river.
May it sweep everyone around you up in its overflow, so that everything around you will be filled with joy.
This Christmas, may happiness also bring peace. Peace that defies comprehension. Peace ,not like the one the world gives. May it cause to be at peace with yourself and with men.
May happiness help you to cement your peace, so that your peace may be so solid that nothing can shake it. That even in the midst of the craziest storms, your are still, and you are at peace. May happiness also bring love into our life this Christmas.
Love of family, love of friends, true love. May you find love in the most mundane things and in the most profound things. May love make its home with you, causing ou not only to recieve love, but also to give it. May you experience the kind of love that causes you to laugh out loud randomly in joy.
This Christmas, I also wish you good health. Good health of mind, body, soul and spirit. May your body be healthy, and your heart light. May your mind be healthy and your soul merry. May you enjoy great health physically, emotionally, psychologically, spiritually and financially.
May you not be weighed down by uncertainties and sickness. I pray thay you are surrounded by your loved ones this Christmas. That you count more than one reason to be happy.
That you are enveloped in love and warmth. That you look back at the year and realize that you have come stronger. I hope that when you count your blessings one by one this Christmas, they will put a smile on your face ,and joy in your heart. These and more I wish you this Christmas. Merry Christmas!
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