Dad reunites with daughter 30 years after his ex put her up for adoption against his wishes
When girlfriend of Jim Mcaskill told him that she’s pregnant. Jim wasn’t ready for all this but still he wanted to try his best to raise their baby.
He was just 15 years old and it was difficult for both the parents for raise a child at the time of their schooling. They had a baby girl.

His girlfriend decided bravely to raise the baby girl but soon she decided to giver her for adoption against the wish of her father.
When Devon was born in 1978 she was immediately given for adoption. Jim was desperate to say goodbye to her so bending hospital rules Jim was given 10 minutes with his daughter.
“A nurse took me to a little room, put me in a gown, and brought Devon to me. Just this little small pudgy nose and she just kept staring up like she knew who I was,” he said “I kissed her and gave her a little hug.”

The loving father wanted to bring a piece of his daughter home so took a necklace with Devon’s name from her neck, vowing that one day he would return it.
Not knowing where his daughter is. He used to celebrated her birthday every year and wrote letters that one day she will read it. Jim started to search for her daughter but the years became so lengthy.
His name was not on her birth certificate which made his search harder but undeterred and determined to find her he scoured adoption agencies in the U.S. and Canada.In 2013 he noticed a profile on Facebook with the name of Nicole Stefanick.
He was shocked when he opened the profile and saw that she was alike her mother. After the 3 years of search he thought they both are soon gonna be reunited.
Jim couldn’t stop crying when he saw his daughter after so long and met her. “I lost it in the middle of the hallway,” he said of his first meeting with his daughter after 35 years apart. “I cried my eyes out and couldn’t believe how beautiful she was…I told her I loved her, always did, always will.”
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