I adore His smile, I cherish his Hugs
With my whole heart, my son has every ounce of my love. My special son, from the minute you were born, I knew just how special God created you to be.

I have watched you grow from a little baby into a precious young man. I am so beyond proud to call you mine.
It’s not just the way you show love to me as your mother, but everyone you come in contact with, you are gentle, caring, loving and helping. I’ve kissed your boo boo’s, I’ve kissed your cheeks, I’ve dried your tears.
I’ve watched you grow into a hard working and loving family man. I see you with my grandchildren and my heart melts. You’ve made me one proud mamma.
You never have to worry because as long as I’m living and breathing, my heart and my arms will always be open for you. Thank you for growing into the man I raised you to be. I love you with all of my being.
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