
I’m 25 years old and I have a 15-year old daughter. And now I am 25 years old, with a 15-year-old daughter. But let me explain why

I am from a really poor household.  My parents always worked incredibly hard to provide us with the necessities, you know?  Since I was 12 years old, I used to accompany my mother to the house where she worked as a maid.  At that age, I had become responsible for the homeowners’ daughter, while my mother handled all of the cleaning.  At the age of 12, I was responsible for a two-year-old baby.

Because both homeowners were always out all day, I spent more time with her than her own mother.  They ran a substantial business and devoted their time to it. Her mother would pump milk and store it in the refrigerator, and I would feed the baby.  That’s how things were for a long time.

For Illustration purposes

When I was 17, my mother died.  She became really unwell and did not survive.  That left only me and my father.  My father started drinking heavily.  I had to go out and find him in bars before bringing him home.  The only source of income we had was primarily mine.

I continued to work for that family with a set arrival time but no set departure time.  That is why I did not complete my studies. However, they greatly aided me.  I paid the water and power bills using the money I made.  They also provided me with clothing and food supplies.  Even her husband would give me his old clothes, which I would then give to my father, and my boss would give me clothes she no longer needed.

My father too didn’t last long after my mother died.  He had a deadly heart attack approximately a year and a half later.  I was a mature lady by the time I turned eighteen.

I think the daughter of my employer became attached to me since she spent so much time with me rather than her parents.  When she was three years old, she was already referring to me as “Mom.”  She nicknamed me that whenever her parents weren’t around.  She would claim to have two mothers—her biological mother and me—when her mother came.

In fact, her mother thought it was sweet and never objected.  I also never made an effort to stop her.  She viewed me as her second mother throughout her childhood, and I could no longer fathom being apart from that family.

For Illustration purposes

I moved in with my employers after they granted me a room in their home after my father died.The truth is, they did it because their daughter was maturing.  Around that time, my boss informed me that she would pay for my online education because she did not want me to go without studying.

That made me extremely delighted.  She gave me a laptop, and I began studying while her kid was in school.  That is how my life continued.

I wasn’t sure what was going on in my bosses’ marriage.  I had no notion things were not going well between them.  Until one day, while I was studying, my boss unexpectedly returned home in the afternoon, went to her room, collected many luggage, and then looked at me and said:

“I only ask you one thing, take care of my daughter as if she were your own, just like you always have.”

Then she departed.

Later that day, my supervisor summoned me to his office and explained all that had occurred.  He informed me that she had departed for another country, found someone else, and abandoned both him and their daughter.

I was shocked.  At the same time, I felt bad for him.

He was a young man, quite gorgeous, and around 12 years my senior.  But he was nice and handsome.

I assured him that he could depend on me.  He stated, “I want you to graduate high school.  Then, I want you to attend college because I want the best for you.  But please, take care of my kid and assist me with her.

I told him that I would continue to care for her in the same way that I had always done.

I finished my education at 22, and he was usually at home.  We began conversing a lot.  We eventually built a connection.  There was evident connection, so we ended up getting together.  Later, we made our relationship official.

As for my stepdaughter?  She is passionately in love with me.  She calls me “Mom” in front of everyone, as she has always done.

My partner’s family, however, does not embrace me.  They claim that I was only the housemaid and that we don’t belong to the same socioeconomic class.  My spouse constantly stands up for me.  Our kid defends herself by claiming that I am her biological mother whenever she hears these remarks.

I then obtained my driver’s license.  Since I am 25 and she is 15, I can understand how the instructors react oddly when she calls me “Mom” when I drop her off at school.

Even though she was only two years old, she grew up with me.  She was my doll in real life, my tiny doll.  And I cherish her as much as a mother does her kid.

We haven’t heard from her birth mother since her departure.  She never calls, even to see how her kid is doing.

I think God designed everything, down to the slightest detail.

I miss my mother and father horribly.  I wish they were still living so I could give them with a better life.  Unfortunately, they are no longer with us.  They aren’t here anymore.

I’ve received a lot of criticism as a result of this entire affair.  Some people claim that I chased my employer just to become the lady of the house.  But they don’t know the truth.

They are unaware that I was present when he reached his lowest point and suffered.  They have no idea that I cared for his daughter and that our love developed spontaneously.

And, yes, I am 25 years old, and I have a 15-year-old daughter who boldly announces that I am her mother.  She no longer enquires about her birth mother.

Regardless of the judgement, I am sincerely delighted.  I am deeply in love with her.

To be honest, I’m not sure I want to have any more children.  If I ever do, I am confident that my spouse will totally back me.

I am confident that God has led everything properly.

I’m happy.  I have a daughter.

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