Daily Quotes

Let’s begin each day with hope

It’s the last week of February. Let’s begin each day with a new hope, leave bad memories behind, have faith for a better tomorrow and believe in our heart that God will guide our path andbless us all in the month of March.

Every ending has a new beginning. Don’t let what is weighing heavy on your shoulders carry over into the new month. Give all your worries and concerns to God through prayer and He will make your path straight. When we dwell on the past, we miss the blessing of what is new. Don’t block your own blessings. Leave everything in the hands of God and He will give you the strength to make it through. Have faith, always hold onto hope, and believe in your heart and soul that things will get better for you. Your blessing is just around the corner, don’t give up here! God will bless you and your family and He will always make a way for you, even when there seems to be no way. Let’s start each new day with a clean slate, prepare for what you are praying for. God has your back. Amen

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