Marital life of Kevin Costner
Kevin Costner confessed the starting truth about his 15 years marriage. Kevin Costner may have been famoused For several decades , now but not everywhere who knows and loves his movies will be familiar with his personal life .
yet even if Costner remains a household name , his career haven’t always smooth sailing. More recently, though Costner’s has predominantly taken up supporting roles in movies such as ” Man of steel” and ” hidden figures” .

After having been married to Baumgartner for well over a decade he seems to have settled down once and for all . In fact Costner has even revealed to the media how he’s managed to finally find contentment along with other revelations about his relationship.
Back in the days before Constner was a movie star, however he embarked on a relationship with Cindy Silvia , whom he had met at college . The couple went on to wed in 1978 . Then the actor finally hit the big time just as he and Silvia Began building a family together. The couple’s two children lilly and Joe were born on separate sides of the release of the movie that would make Costner’s carreer. And at that time the actor’s marriage seemed to be going well too

Unfortunately this run of personal and professional success all came to and end not long afterwards. In 1994 while Costner’s was working on the ” troubled waterworld ” speculation arose that he was seeing another woman and in fall of that year he and Silvia would publicly announce that they were getting a divorce.
“After 16 years together we are ending our marriage” Silva would reportedly walk away with $80 million or so after the divorce have been finalized.
Thankfully Costner’s personal life was at least beginning to take a turn for the better. In 1998 he again crossed paths with a women he’d run into the past . Christine Baumgartner. ” We exchanged numbers and I told her …..did she mind of I called her in two weeks?

Despite that less than perfect start to their relationship, though things went well between Costner and Baumgartner until the question of children arose . And in 2002 the media daily repeated that the pair had parted ways. But it seemed that the two were meant together after all.
Costner’s and Baumgartner ultimately reconciled , you see , and in September 2004 they got married. And since then , Coastner and Baumgartner have had three children together
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