Plastic surgery and tragic death of Mob Wives star ”Big Ang”
Angela Raiola will always be remembered for her role as ”Big Ang” on VH1’s “Mob Wives.“
She died tragically at the age of 55 in 2016 and revealed in her last interview about the costly mistakes she made and hopes people learn from her story.

Angela off the screen is said to be a nice person who cares for people and is very much loved.
She appeared on the reality TV show in 2012 and captured the minds of viewers.
Angela Joyce Raiola was born in Brooklyn, New York on June 30, 1960. She grew up with four brothers and two sisters.

Raiola at the age of 41, in 2011, was caught selling cocaine to undercover cops.
She was part of the drug dealer’s ring and was sentenced to three years imprisonment while the leader was sentenced to 13 years imprisonment.
Angela said, ”People ask me why I did it. I was a single mom, supporting my family, paying $3,000 in rent. I did it for the money. I wouldn’t do it again and haven’t since. I learned my lesson.”

She had to wear a monitor and spent 4 months on house arrest.
She explained, ”My girlfriends and family came by every day. That also made me feel less claustrophobic. But for someone like me who needs to be where the action is and loves to go out, being confined to one place was torture.”
She wrote a book Bigger Is Better, which contained advice for people who found themselves on house arrest.

Angela became famous in 2012 after appearing on the second season of “Mob Wives.”
The show got many people talking about it and Angela became the most famous among the mob wives.
Angela had her first cosmetic surgery in 1985, after having her first child.
“After I had the baby my boobs were dead. They just were prunes down to my waist. After my first surgery, I had them redone in 1995. They took the sponges out and put them in saline implants. I had a double 36 double D when I was only 14-years-old, so I have always had a big chest,” she said.
“I had a tummy tuck, liposuction, my lips injected, and my breasts done three times,” Big Ang said. “The first time I had my breasts done was 27 years ago, and they put sponges in them. That was in 1985.”
Angela was diagnosed with brain and lung cancer in early 2015. After the tumors were removed the first time, she thought she was cancer-free and the next time she went to the hospital she was at stage 4.
In 2016, she appeared on the Dr. Oz Show. She was at the last moments of her days and hoped people don’t repeat the mistakes she made.
Dr. Oz said, ”I think the big legacy she’s leaving us, the big reason she came on the show, was to make sure everyone knew that cigarettes had taken her life, She started young, like so many, but like so many, by the time she realized she didn’t want to smoke anymore, it was too late to stop — at least she felt that way.

And she joked on the show about how she got the diagnosis of throat cancer, and as she walked out of the hospital, she took the pack of cigarettes and tossed them in the trash. And she quit cold turkey, but it was a little late.”
She died surrounded by her family and friends on February 18, 2016.
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