Teacher writes ‘absolutely pathetic’ on 7-year-old’s math paper
A teacher is the one who supports students in all situations. We all are born with different talents and abilities. But the thing is to dig those abilities out of someone.
A father’s post calling his son’s teacher out over a quiz of math has gone viral with thousands calling for the teacher to be fired. Kamdyn Piland got his math quiz back with the words “absolutely pathetic” written across it.

The second position holder showed his paper to his father which noted he answered 13 questions in 3 minutes. And a sad face was drawn down with it. His father complained to the teacher about how this comment would help his child. To which the teacher replied I’m sorry you feel this way,” according to Chris.
So Chris took to Facebook calling the teacher out. He wrote: “My son Kamdyn’s teacher has been so rude to him and myself all year he comes home with this and I am beyond frustrated that someone would write this on a child’s work with such great motivation.”

Kamdyn told Fox56 News: “She made me really sad and upset. I was really mad. And (it was) really mean to do.”
Chirs posted it last year in April on which more than 1000 people commented. Some of them favored teacher while others supported Chris. A petition calling for the teacher to be fired has attracted more than 20,000 signatures.

Chris commented on his post that no matter what but after that he removed his child from the class. “Maybe it’ll be taken seriously now and it’ll keep it from happening to other teachers and other students,” Chris said, as per Fox56 News.
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