Teenage girl dies of cancer; when her mother stares at her coffin, her heart is flooded with warmth
There is nothing a parent fears more than losing one of their children. Ask any mother or father in the world, and they will tell you. Sadly, it was the truth for the parents of Laura Hillier, who was diagnosed with leukaemia at the age of 13. Four years later, she was proclaimed cancer-free, only to have the disease return.
Laura, a smart and well-known student at Nelson High School in Ontario, Canada, died on January 20, 2016. Her family confirmed the news on a Facebook page created to keep friends and followers informed of her struggles.

She fought bravely, and you would have all been very proud of her. “Her poise, courage, strength, and pure spirit shone through until the very end,” her family said. Laura’s classmates and professors wanted to pay respect to her and her inspiring courage, so they modified her casket to reflect how much they loved and missed her.
Images of Laura’s casket quickly appeared online. And it’s simple to see why they got so much attention.
Laura Hillier passed away in late January 2016. She died at the age of 18 from acute myeloid leukaemia while awaiting a transplant. According to accounts, the teenager died at a hospital, surrounded by loved ones.

Laura’s fight against cancer began when she was 13 years old and was diagnosed with leukaemia. After a difficult four years in which she endured numerous rounds of therapy, she was confirmed cancer-free.
Unfortunately, in May 2015, her cancer returned more aggressively. Laura, who went to Nelson High School in Ontario, Canada, was recognised for her love of music and theatre.
Laura’s classmates reportedly opted to use the concept of putting messages in high school yearbooks to commemorate her burial. Their aim was for her to get the kind farewell she deserved as a cherished friend and classmate.

The end outcome was as heartwarmingly gorgeous as one could anticipate. To honour Laura’s life, her friends, family, neighbours, teachers, students, and medical personnel all wrote tributes on her casket. Their handwritten, loving inscriptions adorned her entire casket.
When Laura’s family read the greetings, they were touched by the outpouring of love. One stated, “You were musical. You were artistic. You were understanding. “You were my best friend.” Another said, “Very bold and strong. “You’ll always be a hero.”

Purple, Laura’s favourite colour, was prominently displayed at the burial. The church was decked with purple flowers, and everyone at the wedding wore purple somewhere. Laura was taken too soon from this earth, but it’s definitely amazing to watch the outpouring of love from her local community.
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