Thank you for helping me this week 🙏
Dear God, at the end of another week, I am so grateful to have You on my side. I know that our world is suffering at this moment, but I know and I believe in my heart that You will fix what is broken. Although we are still worried, anxious and afraid, I will never lose my faith in You.

You have proved to me, over the last month that You will guide me and my family and protect us from harm. You’ve also showed me not to worry during these hard times, my family or myself have not gone without. We might not have everything we desire, but you give us all that we need. I thank You again for Your grace and mercy upon my loved ones. I thank you for showering us daily with Your blessings of love, protection and strength. I trust that You’ll continue to protect us and keep us in your care. Thank you for keeping your hand upon my family during this time and keeping us safe and healthy. Amen
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