Three decades after giving up her son for adoption, mom finally unites with her son after taking a DNA test
Melanie Pressley found out she was pregnant and had to take a tough decision as she was barely 18 years old.
The father of the baby didn’t want it either, but Melanie amidst all odds wanted to have her baby.
After having the baby, she was having a hard time taking care of him and had to give him up for adoption.
“You go through a mourning period and yet live the rest of your life mourning,” Melanie said.

On June 17, 1988, Melanie had her baby boy in her arms and got to spend a lot of time with him. At some points, she was beginning to think twice about giving him up for adoption. Her sister took a picture of the two of them and this has been her only connection for over 30 years.
Vossler’s family adopted the little boy and named him Greg Vossler.
The adoption left Melanie heartbroken and all she could do was hope that one day she was going to be with her little boy once again.
Greg at the age of 10 was informed about his adoption and he always wanted to know who his biological mom was, and as he became an adult he went in search of her.
He decided to take a DNA test not realizing that his biological mom had also decided to take the test after her mom’s death.
They first met each other online and went to meet in person on June 2021in Ohio.
Melanie met Greg’s beautiful wife and his two sons. He spent a lot of time with his mother and his half-siblings.

“Life has a funny way of giving you what you need, not what you want and I guess life just realized that we needed this connection and our families needed each other,” Greg said.
Melanie said that her heart was filled up again when she first held her son again after so long.
“After finding him, I felt like my heart was just whole again. Becoming older, you kind of become a little wiser, but there is no shame in giving somebody up for adoption. There are loving couples out there that cannot have children that would love to raise a child.
“I’m telling you, if you could meet Greg, he was given a life beyond my belief. He was raised with manners. He was raised how you would dream. It’s just unbelievable.”
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