To My Beautiful Daughter
To my beautiful daughter, If I could only give you one thing in this ife, I would give you the ability to see yourself how I see you every single day. Your beauty, your kindness, how happy you make me and how proud I am of you. Perhaps then you would be able to understand just how special you are to me.

How I wish it were possible for people to take out their eyes and then give them to the other person so that that person could see themselves through theirs.
This is one thing that if I could, I would.
I wish I could create a magical mirror that could somehow allow you to see yourself the way I see you, I love to give you the word, but if there is one special gift, I would love to give you in this life, It will be the gift of ability.
The ability to see yourself the way I see you every single day. The way I see your beauty, your kindness, how happy you make me, and how proud I am of you.
Oh! How I wish you could see what a delight you are to me. What a blessing you are to me, if only you could see that you make me smile and you make me proud of you, my beautiful daughter.
I wish I could wear you the glasses through which I see you, for you to understand that they are not rose-colored glasses, but they are ultra-clear glasses and through them, I see you, perhaps, then you would be able to understand just how special you are to me. I love you, my princess. You are beautiful inside that you are wonderful. I am proud to be your mother.
I want you to know that you are special to me , and you mean a lot to me.
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