When a deceased person shows up in your dream, what does that mean
While some people never dream, others don’t recall ever having done so.
Do dreams, however, actually represent anything? Some scientists contend that dreams are only the product of neurological processes occurring within our brains, despite the belief held by some that dreams are a means of communication from forces we are unable to see or feel while we are awake.

Dreams can sometimes reflect the day that was, and other times they are a representation of our concerns. However, what does it signify when we dream about a departed loved one?
These dreams can be interpreted as a part of the grieving process or as a shift in our personal lives. Healthline claims that it is related to the latter.
These dreams frequently occur when we go through specific life transitions, like moving, getting a new job, or meeting someone new.

But our feelings from the dream are far more significant than the dream itself. Psychology doctorate candidate Rubin Naiman has dedicated years of his life to the study of sleep habits and patterns. “Dream interpretation is about decoding the dream,” he says. It gives us psychological awareness enlargement and enlightenment, hence expanding our consciousness.
Many modern neuroscientists think that the brain does maintenance during REM sleep and inadvertently “kicks up dust” visually. Dreaming is therefore viewed as being completely pointless.

He goes on to say, “On the other hand, dreaming is more substantial than waking.” And “dream cultures,” like the Australian aboriginal people, demonstrate this. They consider dreaming to be a necessary part of our spiritual existence.
Dreams, regardless of our feelings towards them, do provide something profound and significant. They frequently provide us with understanding of the hereafter and our relationship to the departed person we see in our dreams.
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