
I got on the bus. 3 boys yelled, ‘Hey white boy!’ Mom, I was nervous

‘I boarded the bus. ‘Hey white boy!’ yelled three boys. I was nervous, Mom. On the bus, I was the only white kid. They inquired as to whether I used the N-word. ‘No, my Stepfather is a black man.’ He’s a member of my family.’ A new love for the mother of an autistic son

Courtesy of Melissa Connley-Ebert

“I met Sgt. Aaron Evans while he was stationed at Tobyhanna Army Depot, a Pennsylvania Army base. I used to work at a nearby hospital. I had been divorced for ten years and had two sons with my ex-husband, whom I shared custody of.

Aaron was going through a difficult divorce. We were buddies, and I gave him advise and told him about my divorce experience. We used to talk about our youth and how we grew up for hours.

Courtesy of Melissa Connley-Ebert

Aaron is a city slicker from New York. I showed him the hiking paths because he had never done so before.

As a Mental Health Technician, I worked on a dual diagnosis unit at a local hospital. He was showing signals of nervousness, which I noted. We briefly discussed his prior military deployment during Operation Iraqi Freedom.

Our friendship got stronger, and he admitted to having feelings for me. I laughed as I stared at him. ‘You wouldn’t want to be with me; I’ve got just too much baggage.’ I mentioned that I have Lupus and that I have two extremely active boys who live with me part of the time when their father is away, and that my 12-year-old has autism.

Courtesy of Melissa Connley-Ebert

I got on the bus. 3 boys yelled, ‘Hey white boy!’ Mom, I was nervous. 

Aaron and I had been friends for a year at this point. He said he would love to meet them without hesitation.

This is the point in the story when I realised fate was on my side. I informed my ex-husband that I wanted to have a family meal with the boys and informed them that I had met someone. My ex-husband also requested if he may attend the meal. I had no objection because I knew the man I was introducing was of high calibre.

Courtesy of Melissa Connley-Ebert

Aaron arrived at my residence. The two young men were looking out the window. Aaron had just gotten home from work and was dressed in his uniform, tall and solemn as he walked down the long road to his house. ‘Hey Dad, he’s an Army dude,’ Maverick, who was 10 at the time, yells. Did you know he was black, Daddy? ‘I’m talking about the true black.’ Austin examines

Courtesy of Melissa Connley-Ebert

Dinner was an intriguing experience. ‘Have you killed anyone in a war?’ Austin, my autistic son, asked Aaron. I made a hasty attempt to silence Austin. ‘No, but I know bullets can kill,’ he answered, looking at Austin.

Courtesy of Melissa Connley-Ebert

Austin had a puzzled expression on his face. ‘Do you like video games?’ Austin inquired of Aaron. ‘Yes, I enjoy video games,’ Aaron responded. Austin grinned ear-to-ear. ‘Great,’ Austin remarked, ‘because my father despises video games.’ ‘I think we might be friends.’ This is the beginning of their wonderful connection.

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