Eight items that may naturally clear your arteries and protect you from heart problems
Arteries are blood veins that transport oxygen-rich blood throughout the body, according to WebMD. They reach both the tips of your toes and your brain.
Heart attacks and strokes can be avoided by maintaining healthy arteries. According to the British Heart Foundation, some people have atherosclerosis or blocked arteries but are simply ignorant of it. They only become aware of it until they start experiencing symptoms like claudication or angina.

Sadly, when a person has a stroke or a heart attack, it is typically when they discover they have this condition for the first time. Don’t worry before you start panicking out. You can make a few straightforward changes, and most of them revolve on your food.
Here are some foods and beverages that can help you maintain healthy arteries and fend off future health problems.
Fish is the first food you should start eating more of. Fish is rich in beneficial omega-3 fatty acids. The blood cholesterol levels are known to be positively impacted by these acids, which ultimately causes clogged arteries. Women who ate two or more meals of fatty fish had better cardiovascular health, according to a research published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. Salmon, herring, tuna, trout, and mackerel are a few fish you can try.
Citrus fruit:
Citrus fruit was found to dramatically lower systolic blood pressure in a study that was published in Arya Atherosclerosis. It lessens stenosis as well. Citrus was even utilised to cure scurvy in the 18th century. According to a study by the University of Southern California Department of Preventive Medicine, eating fruits high in viscous fibre, including oranges and grapefruit, can prevent artery blockage. Thus, eating a piece of grapefruit for breakfast is both delicious and nutritious.
Additionally, according to Dr. Weil, a research by Yale University’s Prevention Research Centre revealed that walnuts increase artery flexibility. According to recent research from Spain, consuming roughly eight shelled walnuts was more effective than olive oil at preventing artery damage that can occur after a meal and contains a lot of saturated fat. Therefore, if you prefer eating nuts, pay special attention to walnuts because they offer a tonne of advantages.
If flaxseed isn’t your favourite food, you should start adjusting. They have numerous health advantages, one of which is that they support the health of your arteries. According to a study that was published in the Canadian Journal of Cardiology, flaxseed may be very effective in both the primary and secondary prevention of cardiovascular disease. Flaxseeds contain omega-3 fatty acids, fibre, and phytoestrogens that improve heart health, according to Health.clevelandclinic.org. Flaxseeds can be found in your favourite bread or in ground form. Even cereals have it occasionally!
Turmeric ought to be your best ally when it comes to maintaining the condition of your arteries and heart. According to Turmericforhealth.com, more than 200 research studies have examined the therapeutic usefulness of turmeric and curcumin in treating a range of heart diseases. Along with safeguarding the heart, it also tackles several metabolic disorders that contribute to the emergence of heart ailments.
Green tea:
Numerous research have examined the potential connection between green tea and cardiovascular illness, according to health.harvard.edu. Those who drank more than five cups of green tea per day had a 26% reduced chance of dying from a heart attack or stroke and a 16% lower risk of dying from all causes than those who drank less than one cup per day, according to a study of 40,530 Japanese adults.
Eating cinnamon in its natural state has many different health advantages. In addition to having anti-inflammatory qualities and lowering the risk of heart disease, it is regarded as an antioxidant. Researchers discovered that cinnamon helps Type 2 diabetics with their glucose and cholesterol levels in a study that was published in Diabetes Care. Cinnamon can have the impact of lowering cholesterol, LDL cholesterol, and triglycerides, according to a meta-analysis of the research that has been done. The analysis was done by the College of Pharmacy at Western University of Health Sciences in Pomona, California.
There are many of us who adore eating pomegranates. Eating it is enjoyable, and the flavour is almost addictive. But this fruit also has certain advantages for heart health. According to Lifeextension.com, pomegranate has demonstrated to prevent a number of pathological changes linked to cardiovascular disease in both laboratory and clinical investigations. According to the website, this fruit prevents cardiovascular disease by lowering oxidative stress, promoting nitric oxide synthesis and activity, and doing a lot more.
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