Enjoy life and peace of mind
A person with a complaining mind is never at peace with anything.
A person with a grateful mind always accepts things as it comes and chooses what is good or bad.
Always judge nothing and you will be happy with life and enjoy your peace of mind

A person with a complaining mind is never at peace with anything; he/ she is never satisfied with whatever they have.
A person with a grateful mind always accepts things as it comes and chooses what is good or bad.
No matter what life throws at a grateful heart; he/ she will accept it and turn it into a stepping stone towards a better situation.
When life gives you lemon make lemonade out of it; things will never be perfect, you only have to make it better.
Every stone life throws at you, pick it up, place it on the leveled ground and climb on the top of it. It never gets better, you can only change the situation and look at the brighter side of it.
My first child is special; most times he finds it hard to understand or write very well like his mates.
People mocked me for birthing a dullard as they called him, but I knew my child was special.
I didn’t want to question God or complain about his situation bitterly; I knew things were going to change for the better.
I didn’t want to judge him for not being able to understand and write like his mates; I stood by his side and helped him each time he felt like he was losing it.
I didn’t complain about his situation; I didn’t want to judge him, I was happy about his life and presence in my life and that alone gives me peace of mind.
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