
Gary Sinise gives Smart Home to ex-Green Beret who lost both legs in Afghanistan

Gary Sinise wasn’t able to prove himself a hero anymore. Therefore he went to do something else to be praised. The actor has been an advocate for soldiers and veterans. He really donated a lot than anyone else can in the Hollywood industry.

Tucson native and former Green Beret Sergeant Caleb Brewer would have been forgiven for thinking all hope was lost when both his legs were severed in Afghanistan.

He faced trials and tribulations on returning home and back to life. A ray of light was there in the form of Sinise.

Sergeant 1st Class Caleb Brewer joined the Green Berets in 2012 but was seriously injured whilst on deployment in 2015. He suffered from a blood clot and lost both his legs. Also, he had a severe brain injury. Despite it all, however, he survived. Brewer retired in 2016.

Sinise, fortunately, took immediate notice when he heard of his plight. It didn’t take long before Brewer was approved for a smart home in Tucson, one complete with modifications to assist in his everyday life. On February 6, 2019, his home was complete.

The house contains the function of a smartphone. It’s all done from the phone to check who’s there at the door. Also, the shutting of blinds was controlled by it.

Brewer said: “It’s incredibly overwhelming in a good way. It doesn’t feel real. I never would’ve expected it in a million years.

Sinise never hesitates in helping those who deserve but can’t demand due to their pride. Many of them have sacrificed their lives in helping out the country. The world can become heaven is everyone acts as Sinise did.

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