Daily Quotes

God take control

Dear God, I bring you my burdens. You know my situation and you know I can’t make it without you. Comfort my heart, give me strength, and help me carry on because I can’t do it without your help.

In the beginning, I thought I was strong and didn’t need the help of the lord.

I walked in the darkness thinking I will always find my way no matter what.

I believed that all I have achieved so far was my strength and I should take glory for it.

I believed I came into this world by the efforts of just my parents and their work was done in my life as soon as I came of age; I felt I rule my world and no one has the right to tell me otherwise.

My life wasn’t perfect, but I owned the little I had to my handiwork.

I had the perfect partner, a good striving business, but I still noticed that I felt empty.

I felt it was because I needed to make more money, but the irony was that the more I make money the emptier and worthless I felt.

I started asking questions and trying to find the cause of the emptiness I felt.

It was during this moment I saw the face of God; he was calling me in my dream and he revealed himself to me; ever since then, I have put all my life and trust in him.

He gave me peace and joy; what all the wealth in the world couldn’t give me, let the name of the Lord be glorified forever.

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