Happy father’s day
Although you are no longer with me, it won’t stop me from wishing you a father’s day and telling you how much I love you.
Each father’s day in the past few years is always a day I go to your grave, clear whatever dirt that might have accumulated on it read your favorite poems, and watch the family album together as we have always done.

Happy father’s day to all dad
I loved you when I was lucky to have you in my life. I always carry a picture of you around because you are my greatest motivator.
I will surely celebrate you every day of my life because you are my hero.
You were both my father and husband. You are the man I ever gave a chance into my life, and I never regretted being your woman.
You showed me love and care throughout your stay on earth. You now have grandkids too, they always ask me about you and how you looked or behaved. I told them you are the sweetest person that ever lived. You were the best father to our kids.
You brought them up in the ways of God and disciplined them to the core.
I call you my dad also because you also had a role to play in my upbringing. You can remember how things where before you met me.
These memories bring tears to my eyes. Too bad I have to live with it alone.
I want you to know that even though you are no longer with me, I still think about you and miss you.
Happy father’s day. I believe I will join you soon.
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