I asked God to send me a man
I asked God to send me a man who will always love me, So he gave me a son.

Family is a blessing from God, They are happiness in our world. When they are kids, they make us laugh , play with us and make us feel better. It’s not wrong to say, without kids, life would be so boring. When your children grown up, They take care of you like you did in his/her childhood. When we feel depressed, or something wrong happening in our life, just a smile from our kids changed our mode. May God removes all the pains and suffering from your life. Amen
A note from a mother.
I gave birth to you, but you came
with no instructions All I knew was
that I loved you long before I saw
you. I know I made some mistakes
and for that, I am sorry, but I was
doing the best I could with what I
knew. Everything I did for you, I did
from love. You are my child, my life,
my dreams for tomorrow. I will
always LOVE you and there is
nothing that could ever destroy
my love for you.

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