
‘I blame the system that enabled Larry Nassar abuse’- Simone Biles gives emotional testimony before Senate

The past few weeks have been a hectic one and a piece of information that has kept everyone on their toes. There have been reports of Larry Nassar abusing young gymnasts over decades.

Nassar for the past 18 years has been working as the team doctor for the U.S women’s gymnastics team and recently she was accused of assaulting a handful of young women and girls. He always comes in the guise of a medical doctor taking his victims unawares.

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He was previously jailed in 2018 after pleading guilty for other sexual misconduct he perpetrated with children under the age of 16.

Many gymnasts always complained about his wicked act, but it wasn’t until 2015 that justice was served.

FBI’s investigation into the matter has revelated more crimes done over the 58 years old. A good number of high-profile women had stories with him and they all talked about their experiences.

During the court hearing, Mckayla Maroney and Olympic gymnast, Aly Raisman, Simone Biles testified against him before the U.S Senate on Tuesday.

Simone Biles got emotional during the court hearing as she recalled reporting the matter earlier and the FBI turned a deaf ear to their case.

She said she doesn’t want other girls to experience the trauma she went through. While trying to control her tears she asked ”How much is a little girl worth?” adding: ”I sit before you today to raise my voice so that no little girl must endure what I, the athletes at this table, and the countless others who needlessly suffered under Nassar’s guise of medical treatment which they endured.

She included that those who enabled Nassar should be held accountable and went on to point accusing fingers at the FBI for not listening to them each time they made a complaint against Nassar.

She said the pedophile is where he’s meant to be and said that she always wanted to protect these women and children from the pawns of Nassar.

Mckayla Maroney also has a story to tell. She said the FBI disregarded her complaints and walked over her trauma like it was nothing. They chose to call her pains lies and described it as a fabrication to bring the ex  U.S gymnastic doctor down. She went on to include what’s the essence of trusting the FBI if, at the end of the day, they bury all reports and shreds of evidence.

Enough is enough was the keyword at the hearing; it was the end for all sexual assaulters and people that enable them.

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