Daily Quotes

I hold people close to me very dearly

I rarely make friends, but when I do, I hold them close to me because they mean so much to people.

A quick analysis of the number of betrayals and back-biting shows that they are mostly done by people one call friends.

Someone you don’t call a friend can’t betray you or hurt you; friends mostly do them.

Never let your friends choose you, instead choose them. You can never know the intentions of that individual for choosing you; this is the sole reason you have to pick yourself.

I have seen people carry out their revenge plans through the disguise of friendship. They study you and know your soft spots, and when it is time to hit you, they won’t ever consider that you are a human being and have feelings.

I know real friends are rare, like diamonds, and I had them very close to my heart whenever I find one.

You can never understand the value of having real friends until you make the mistake of being with a snake.

Learn to build friendships with the right people. No man is an island; you will surely need each other. A true friend is like glucose that is there for you when you lack strength and the zeal to continue. He/ she will be your most enormous fan and motivator. I have seen friends turn family, that’s what a true friend should be.

He/ she will always be able to look you in the face and tell you the truth no matter how it hurts. It is not the number of friends that matter; it is their relevance and content. Be with the right people.     

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