I’m ending this day with peace
Dear God, If I have learned anything throughout my life, I have found ending the day with peace makes all the difference. I always will keep faith in my soul because You have proved to me so many times that You will always make a way for me, no matter how hard life gets.

I’ve also learned forgiveness and love it’s the best answer, regardless of the situation. If we forgive others, we gain peace and happiness in our heart. I always end my day with prayer. I pray for my loved ones and during extra trying times, I pray for them even more. Dear God, in these most difficult times, I thank you for proving to me over and over again that everything will work out, You will provide all my needs, cover and protect me and my loved ones and continue to give us strength to go on. I also never let go of hope. I believe in my whole heart that things will get better and everyone will live their lives with peace and happiness. Thank you, God for hearing and answering the prayers of my heart. Amen
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