Kate Middleton reveals what farm chores Prince George does during school breaks
The future King seems to have picked an interest in farms.
In March, Kate revealed that George helped out on the goat farm in Wales. Willams also disclosed that the children help deliver lamb after school.
“We’ve been lambing with the children this week,” William told Rhian. “Charlotte wasn’t sure at first, but George was straight in there. Louis loves the tractors.”

During these moments they also let the public on their parenting skills and how they reduce the kid’s screen time.
“We’re going to have that discussion with our family. How on earth are we going to police and have family time when the phones are all put down, and you’re offline,” he explained. “Because we’re all so connected now that we’ve got to say, ‘right, for instance, we’re eating now.’”

“This generation is going to be the first generation to grow up fully immersed in mobile phones, social media, lots of stuff,” he said.
“And yet our generation, the older generation, the parent generation, we’re completely left at, ‘how do we deal with this? Where do we go to? Where do you learn about how to look after your children’s digital world?’”
They also revealed that the kids love music as much as other older members of the family.

Williams revealed on Apple’s Time To Walk last year, “What I’ve been amazed by is how much my children already have inherited my family’s love of music. Most mornings, there’s a massive fight between Charlotte and George as to what song is played in the morning. And I have to, now, basically prioritize that one day someone does this one, and another day it’s someone else’s turn. So George gets his go, then Charlotte gets her to go. Such is the clamor for the music.”

“There’s a lot of hip movements going along. There’s a lot of dressing up. Charlotte, particularly, is running around the kitchen in her dresses and ballet stuff and everything,” William explained.
“She goes completely crazy with Louis following her around trying to do the same thing. It’s a really happy moment where the children just enjoy dancing, messing around, and, and singing.”

This summer is going to be so fun and great for them. They have a lot planned as they plan to move on closer to the Queen, as well as Kate’s parents, who live in Berkshire. We wish them all the best and happy summer.
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