Let’s welcome June with an open heart
God holds a bright future for all of us. Let’s welcome this month with an open heart, let go of the pains from yesterday and believe better days are just ahead. Recent times have proved to be hard and often unbearable.

But we are still here, God holds us up when we are about to break. He will continue to provide strength to us for the days to come. Each new day is a blessing. Every day gives us new hope. Being now without fear or worries of what is ahead. Trust and believe that God is already there. Everything we’ve been through, He brought us through, you are never alone, God stays with us, guiding us with wisdom and grace. Let’s go through each day of June with open arms, help those whom are hurting, bless those who need it and forgive and let go of those who wrong you. Make each day beautiful by the light you are giving to others. Spread hope, love and kindness everywhere. Amen
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