My child is my strength
My child is what will keep me holding on when everything else is falling apart.
My son is my strength and motivator. I may not be the best mother in the whole world, but I am very sure of him being my source of happiness and joy.

The circumstances surrounding his birth weren’t pleasant, but I didn’t want to give up on him.
My son’s dad fled with another woman on my wedding day. I was already in the church waiting for my groom, time was ticking, and he wasn’t anywhere to be found.
The groom’s men said he already left town. I never told him I was pregnant because I wanted it to be a surprise for him on our wedding night.
I was advised to abort you as you were just a few weeks then. I was told to let go of anything I ever had in common with your father to move on.
I refused; I knew you don’t deserve to pay for your father’s sins. My family forsook me, and I was left to born and train you singlehandedly.
You were my strength even before you were born. You were the reason I had to brace up and create happiness for us.
I wanted to acquire immense wealth and set everything in place before you were born to be with you every day of my life.
Seeing you each day of my life gives me so much joy and happiness. I believe I made the right decision by keeping you.
You might become old someday, but it doesn’t change that you are my child and my strength.
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