Never blame anyone in your life
Everyone you ever met in this life has a role to play in your life. Life is like a storybook with many characters and roles. It can never be complete without each character playing their roles.
Our paths crossed because I have a role to play in your life. Whether it was a sad one or a happy one, what matters is that that page of our life wasn’t blank.

People often seem to forget that our actions towards each other are like a legacy printed in the sands of time, which can never be erased. Never expect the best from people, to avoid unfulfilled expectations and heartbreaks. Man is bound to deviate from expectations.
Never except everyone in your life to be angels, if it was so, there will be no lessons and special memories. At times, we go through the different hard phases of being with the wrong people so that when the right person comes, we could learn how to appreciate them.
The best people are there to give us happiness and memories which can never be forgotten. The worst people are there to teach us and learn from experience as we all know that experience is the best teacher. Experiences tend to make us stronger and reasonable.
With experiences, I doubt if the same mistake will be repeated. Experiences prepare us for perfection. Life is all about memories, even the ones not worth keeping, but it’s worth remembering as it was one of the phases of our lives. We get better with them.
Loved your message re: Don’t blame anyone”. Thank you.