Daily Quotes

People play a part in our stories

When we look at or past and even the present, it only has one thing in common, people.

Our actions and everyday events are always intertwined with others. We play a role in each other’s story.  

Life is like a book with so many chapters; each day is like a new chapter of our life that we ought to write on.

When we look at the previous chapters, it isn’t always about us; it consists of people we meet in our journey of life. Even our diaries are an excellent example of our life journal.

The different people we meet in life all have a role to play in our lives.

At times, no one stays until the end of our stories; if they go at any point in our life, then we shouldn’t force them back, they just completed their roles in our lives.

We have lost people at many stages of our life, whether by death or they chose not to be around us. If it is by death, then it is nature calling them back to its abode.

If they chose to leave us, then they are just meant to be a chapter of our story.

Even if the experiences and memories they left were awful, they only helped us complete our story. Without them, there couldn’t have been any development in our story. Their stays in our lives always leave us with a lesson, and once-beaten twice shy.

They made us better, and the loss shouldn’t sadden us. We should move on.

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