Raising kids was my choice
I will always thank God for giving me another chance to prove how worthy I am to be his child.
My life had been perfect or worth of emulation. I have lived a reckless life; a life I never knew it will turn out the way it did.

My parents always warned me; they brought me up through the right path, but I let my dark side take over my life, and conscience.
At the age of sixteen, I knew all the clubs in town, and never stopped visiting there every Friday against my parent’s wish. I always sneaked out from my window, when they think I have already slept. Things continued that way, and all the bouncers knew me as a regular customer, and a girl who turns necks around whenever I come to the club.
I am naturally endowed and I loved the attention I always got, and another act I enjoyed was turning down their proposals. I was young and stupid, and never knew what my actions could lead me to.
I felt I wasn’t doing anything wrong, as all I ever did was dance on the stage, and that was all. Well, things continued that way, until I was raped in one of my usual clubs on my twentieth birthday.
I found out later I was pregnant, and I was advised to abort it because of the circumstances surrounding the pregnancy. I didn’t want to, and I refused to yield to the pressure and social stigma.
I later had my twins, and people never stopped talking. Raising my kids was my choice, I gave up thing and went without them; I regret nothing.
My life will always be for my children, no matter how big they get. They didn’t ruin my life, they gave me a whole new view of the meaning of life.
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