
Single mom of 2 raised in foster care adopts 6 boys so that siblings can grow up together

If you think like me you would love to think back about your childhood days and all the safety and confrontations that you had. I agree that my parents didn’t have a lot of money but still, they did their best to fulfill each wish and gave us the best they could.

The bad thing is that not every child gets the same comfort and security from their parents. It isn’t their mistake but unfortunately, some children are born with harsh circumstances and don’t even see their parents.

There are children who shift from foster to foster home not having their identity and home ever. While others are treated with neglected or abused parents.

When Jessica Benzakein was 12 years old her mother was taken off her custody and Jessica was handed over to the foster care center. However, she was too old to be adopted by particular parents but was too young to settle independently.

When Jessica turned 18 and moved from the foster house, she didn’t find any place to live in and began to cry out of loneliness.

That’s why Jessica supports foster home kids. Five years ago, Jessica took in two sets of brothers – six boys total – who were in great need of a loving home. Jessica had two biological children from her ex-husband. But still, she adopted 4 more boys and provided them the shelter of home.

“Everybody tells me how lucky these kids are and what a good thing I did,” Jessica explained to Today.

“But … I’m going to cry … they grounded me. I went through my 20s thinking I didn’t really need a family. But I did. They give me purpose.”

The most interesting part took a turn last year when she was officially given permission to become their official adoptive mother.

“Do you think it’s in their best interest that you be their mom?” Hon. Mark A. Sanders asked her.

“I think we are pretty good together,” she said. “I don’t know if I’m the best mom, but I’m their best mom. I love ’em.”

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