Some people think because they don’t support you, that it’ll hold you back
Some people think because they don’t support you, that it will hold you back. They have forgotten that God will put total strangers in your path to get you where you are supposed to be.
If there was anything I learned before I joined the labor market is to never depend on anyone.

When I was still starting my brand, no one wanted to support me or even recommend me.
Some laughed at me, saying I was no different from the loser they already know.
Many times, I was pressurized to give up on my dreams, and try something else or rather work for the government, but I was having none of it.
I knew my target and I was not settling for less. Many times, I visited many companies for partnership or they rejected all my proposals.
I was frustrated at that point in my life that I had no one to turn to. I didn’t want to return to my parents still the same.
I wanted to make myself proud and my parents too. When I thought all was gone, I received an email from an international organization that wants to partner with my brand.
No one recommended me to them; they saw one of my numerous ads on social media platforms; that was the beginning of my breakthrough.
When God wants to lift you high, no man can stop it. Don’t lose faith in God, his light will shine on you when you least expected it.
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