Daily Quotes

Spend the Day in Appreciation, End the Day with Gratitude

Spend the day appreciating every little thing that comes your way, and you’ll end the day feeling deeply grateful for your life.

I am sure you must have heard about  the numerous benefits of keeping a gratitude journal. There are huge benefits to keeping a gratitude journal, the least of which is that they keep us grounded, and remind us of our wins.

However, we can all agree that we don’t always feel grateful, especially at the end of a terrible day. Rather than sitting down to fill our gratitude journal, we might just want to curl up in bed and probably cry our eyes out.

Dont worry if this happens to you,  you are not alone. There are days we do not feel grateful. We just want to rant and lash out. Sometimes, a bit of entitlement creeps in, but still, we know we have to be grateful. How then do you keep the gratitude on not so good days ?

I have discovered that like with most things, leaving your gratitude till end of the day can become a overwhelming especially when things don’t  go as planned.

I have learnt to take my gratitude in bits all through the day. What this does is that helps me noticee the little things that happen during the day ,that I might miss when I sit down to write in my journal.

This method is especially helpful on days when things don’t  go exactly as planned or when they are down right terrible. 

Spend the day appreciating every little thing that comes your way, then you will end the day being grateful for the day, no matter how bad it turns out.

It is simple ,but not so simple. Like with positivity,  it takes a level of intentionality to do this during day.

You start from the moment you wake up. You can pick 3 things you are already grateful for as soon you wake up.

That way you are starting the day on a grateful note. Now, going through the day, you have to consciously pick the little things to be grateful for. Catching the bus or getting a taxi on time. Your favourite coffee flavour, wining at work.  Favorable walking weather. Whatever it is. I usually set a reminder in my phone for every hour to find 2 things to be grateful for.

It might sound like a hassle, but by the time you have this for a while, it becomes a part of you.

Gratitude comes easy when you do it often, especially through the day.

Doing this, you find it easier to be grateful even on bad days. I find myself sometimes laughing at the little things even on bad days.

It is all about noticing the very subliminal, yet beautiful things that adds colours to your life and acknowledging them, and been grateful for them.

You can start right now, as you are reading this article. Pick three things around you that you are grateful for.

Here is a trick,  use a post-it note,and stick it on computer screen. Let it tide you over the hour.  Savour it and enjoy it, because it is important.

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