To be rich, is not what you have in your bank
To be rich,
is not what you have
in your bank account,
but what you have in
your heart.

people who has a lot of money are the happiest on earth? Absolutely wrong thought. In my point of view a person is not rich to have a lot of money in their bank account but a person is rich by heart. The person who is loved by many people and never hurt someone is the richest person. The person who have a pure heart and who loves everyone, help those in need is rich. Money can buy everything but money can’t buy happiness for you. Money can be used to cure the disease but money can’t save you from death .So money is just a piece of paper that have value in few people mind. In reality if you have a pure heart than you can have happiness in your life. You are truly blessed if you have beautiful heart. So try you best to be rich with what you have in your heart.

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