Daily Quotes

We need to talk and now you have time

When life gets heavy, we get stressed and stress surely interferes with our sleep.

When you can’t sleep at night have you ever thought maybe it’s God saying “We need to talk, and now you have time.”

I find such a comfort just knowing that God is always here for us and he always wants to hear from us.

When you’re unable to sleep, talk to him. Tell him all your problems, all your worries anything that is bother you.

When you have a sincere heart to heart with God, you will feel his presence and his peace with overcome you.

Don’t ever be afraid to talk to him, don’t worry about what to say, just speak from your heart. Give God your worries through prayer and he will give you rest.

God knows you’re tired. God knows it’s difficult for you. But, you must also know that God would never place you in a situation that you can’t handle. May God listen to all your prayers & bless everyone who’s reading this. Amen

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