Woman spots a single dad struggling to pay for his groceries
It’s a lot to deal with in the world today. Many people are having a hard time, and it’s more important than ever that we help each other.
Like one woman, who heard a voice telling her to help a stranger in his time of need. She did what she was told. Finally, everything worked out for the best.
In a blog called Pacis in the Gutter, Sara Fleming talks about stories of faith. She has a lot of faith stories to tell.
“I’m a girl who likes God.” Her bio says that she “loves to write.” “I love stories, too.” These are some of the best true stories about how God can fix things that aren’t right.

Sara was at the grocery store around 10 pm in November 2020, two weeks before Thanksgiving. She was behind a man in line for the cashier.
It kept failing for the man to pay for his groceries, so he had to use cash. Because the bill was getting bigger and bigger, he kept putting things back. As he tried to pay again and again, the card kept getting rejected.
When he was there, he had two of his kids with him, and they looked very embarrassed.
When Sara saw how the stranger was hurt, her heart broke for him or her.

This is how she wrote it: “The cashier put cans and boxes of tuna in a row under the counter,” she wrote. “The man had already bought the bare minimum.”
If he was alone, I thought about it. A lack of rings on his finger made me think that was the case.
People in front of me asked the cashier to put things on the side. Over and over and over again A lot of times, he kept swiping his card. Declined.”
A voice inside her head started to tell her to trust it and pay for the groceries of the stranger, and she did so. Sara told the man she would pay the $94.10 bill.
Sara: “The store was empty, there were no other people in our line, and I watched this man slowly turn, his jaw dropped open. I was in line with him.”
In fact, she asked to buy the things he had put back. It broke the man’s heart, and he couldn’t speak. Because he is a single dad who is having trouble making ends meet, he thanked her.

The way I can say thank you isn’t clear. I am a single father. So hard, he told Sara.
He got a hug from me. Sara: “His son and daughter wanted to hug me, too,” she said. At the time I got to my car, the tears started to come down.
Several months later, Sara saw something that made her realise it was all for a good cause, and she was happy.
In February, Sara was at church. She looked to her left and saw the man and his two children. She found out that they went to the same church.
“I never even told him where I went to church.” I just did what God told me to. He brought this dad and his family to my church on that Sunday.
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