Daily Quotes

I don’t mean to interrupt people

I don’t think I am the only one who enjoys my company so much instead of letting a third party be the architect of my happiness.

I enjoy my company so much; it is often underrated. At times, I can be all alone, laughing at my jokes. Some usually tag it as being crazy and lonely’ I call it loving myself and placing my happiness first.

Many times, I tried having friends and letting the happiness flow in the cycle, it never went well and a painful memory to keep.

Growing up, I had a lot of friends as I was an outspoken kid, who will always lit up your day, and no matter how scary your face looked, I will surely crack you up.

I was known as the liveliest kid in the neighborhood, I was so busy making people happy without anyone caring if I was truly happy or the smiling face was just a show. No one ever bothered to listen to me; I was always at the giving end.

I had my secret pains and fears. No one knows I always have a panic attack or how lonely I have become. I felt I would be better by talking out my sorrows and trying to make people love me and acre for me.

No one cared about how I felt and what is going on in my life. I am always there when they are having a bad day, but no one ever cared about me.

I decided to create my happiness and the kind of world I wanted. I created my joy, and it is always my top priority.

My life and my happiness always come first, no matter the situation.

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