I love my daughter with all my heart
I love my
with all my
heart. She is
my Forever

Daughters are the beautiful creation gifted by God to every parents. When I had my first child I was so happy that God blessed me with a girl. She is so pretty and beautiful. When she first started and saying me mama trust me I feel like I have conquered the world. I love my daughter very much. She is my love and lifeline. I love her with all my heart. I am always happy to see her happy. When she cries trust me it will hurt me. I can’t see tears in her eyes. I always want her happy and successful in her life. I will always support her in every ups and down of her life. I love her unconditionally. She is my life. She is my everything. I am really honored to have a daughter like her. She is not only beautiful by face but also by heart.
“To my Daughter.
Never forget that
I love.you. Life is filled
with hard times and
good times. Learn from
everything you can. Be
the woman I know you
Can be.” Mom

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