Daily Quotes

I want

Every day I hear people listing what they want; their wishes and wants.

Some wish for a Lamborghini, some will wish to have their honeymoon on an island.

Some wish for a new home, and a better source of income, some wish for chocolates, candies, and sweets.

I want sick people to heal

Well, this is what I wish for; I want sick people to be healed, I want children with no families to be adopted into good homes. I wish that people never had to worry about food, shelter, and clothing.

 Most of all, I want to see all people start to care for one another.

When I was small, I was made to believe that a wishing star exists, every eve of a new month we could sit under my grandma’s favorite tree and wait when the star passes.

As a child I never knew what to wish for; life was just the way I wanted it; everyone was happy, and I didn’t have to worry about my parents leaving me someday. All I ever wished for was to be happy.

Growing up, I understood there was more to life than being happy. I found out that my life always revolved around others and the world would be a better place if everyone was happy like me.a

I haven’t had better days, but I thank God for each day I see and for every breath I take. I wish that we didn’t have to worry about anything and be free like a bird.

I wish everyone will be happy and that life will be better than it has been.

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