Daily Quotes

If it hurts, just let it go

If one keeps on holding onto a burning charcoal; it doesn’t hurt less, it only gets worse and might consume you.

It feels better to walk away when it hurts much than holding onto the shadows of things ever getting better. In the journey of life, there are always thorns on the way.

They might be there to make us stronger through our different phases of life. When we feel like we are getting stuck in the mud of uncertainties and hurtful scenarios, we have to get our shits and leave.

The different challenges we meet in life are to make us stronger and not tearing us up. When it hurts a lot, and you can’t help it, you only have the option of letting go. Relationships, careers, dreams, ambitions, people, and the past might be mud and thorns in life.

We shouldn’t always try to put other people and things first before us. It would be best if you didn’t lose yourself because of a third party. It is just like in relationships when you see that your partner has become so toxic, and it is affecting you; all you have to is walk away.

I have seen people who never got out of toxic relationships alive. They got depressed after the love they invested into the relationship didn’t pay. It led to their suicide as they felt no one would ever love them, as they wanted. It would help if you didn’t lose yourself trying to make someone else get better.

Always put yourself first before other people. If it hurts so much, let it go—work on being a better person and the best version of yourself.

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