Life of the famous Celine Dion
We are all aware of the famous singer Celine Dion who has a magical voice. Her fans fell in love with her immediately at the beginning of her career she is still on the list of stars with the best voices. She is known for her hits like “My heart will go on” Because you love me” “All by myself”. Recently her most popular song is My heart will go on” it’s all due to the fact it was part of the Titanic movie.

Rene Angelil was a special fan of Celine who loved her voice more than anyone else. He was also her manager and later on they both got married. Rene sold out his house to help Celine record her first song. When they both met for the first time Celine was only 12 and both got engaged after eleven years.
But unfortunately in 2016, Rene died of neck cancer. Celine was with him till the last moment. They both were considered one of the best and strongest celebrity couples. After losing her husband Celine was really devastated but she remained stronger for her children.
Celine told, “I am happy with my life and I feel that Rene is still by my side”. The couple had three sons. When their first son was born, Celine had three miscarriages. But then she was luckily told by the doctor that she is pregnant with twins and that’s how she gave birth to her two sons Eddy and Nelson.
Celine Dion is very happy and proud of her son. Now she is single and raises her children alone. Celine said that it had been very difficult for her children to lose their father.
Especially for Nelson and Eddy who was very young when the tragedy happened. But luckily it was managed by the whole family to get out of the painful circumstances. The singer shared pictures of her son’s no media and said that she is very happy and lucky to have them.
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