Daily Quotes

Never stress on what you can’t control

At times, we see people chasing shadows and mirages instead of the ideal thing.

We shouldn’t worry about things that can never be ours; this is doesn’t mean giving up on our goals or endeavors. It demands a more specific task.

I have seen people who venture into medicine and pharmaceutical sciences; when they can’t stand the sight of blood or fluid from the human body or stand the smell of drugs.

They probably ventured into in because that’s what is trending and what their parents chose for them.

These categories of students might make into that department, but what matters is what follows forth. Some along the way might not cope with how demanding the course is and its complexity. They won’t opt for another course; they chose to stress themselves into taking what is not theirs.

They might turn out to be doctors by name and not by working. They can own hospitals without working; they will employ others to do their task.

The above is a typical example of stressing yourself on what you can’t control and not your calling.

Never worry yourself about what isn’t yours, whether career or in one’s choice of partners. Trying to control or be in charge of what is not yours always end in failures and tears.

Identify your passion and what you can do excellently well. We all have an inbuilt gift and skill in us. We shouldn’t do things because others are doing it. We should create our names and path.

Work towards your path and don’t mind other things; they aren’t within your control; it will only be stress.

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