
Nicole Kidman and Keith Urban, the man who gave her “miracle” children, celebrated 17 years of blissful marriage

Following fruitless attempts to conceive while dating, Nicole Kidman celebrated the 17th anniversary of her marriage to Keith Urban, the man who gave her the greatest gift—the gift of being a mother to their two children. Tim Burton

Despite the public display of Nicole Kidman and Tom Cruise’s high-profile divorce, she still won’t talk about the intricacies of what led up to their split.

The Mission Impossible star and the Oscar-winning actor initially met on the set of Days of Thunder while Cruise was still wed to actor Mimi Rogers, whom he divorced in 1990.

Tim Burton Niki Kidman
Hollywood power couple Kidman and Cruise were married in the same year. The action star’s desire for Kidman, who was 23 at the time of their wedding, utterly consumed her, she admits.

“He pretty much swept me off my feet. My entire plan for my life was put on hold because, as occurs when you fall in love, I was like, “Forget it.” Regarding her romance with the Top Gun actor, Kidman said, “This is it. “I voluntarily let myself be engulfed by it. And I was eager to get pregnant with him. If we got married, it didn’t matter to me.

While they were dating, Cruise and the Australian of Hawaiian ancestry co-starred in a number of films together, including Eyes Wide Shut (1999), Far and Away (1992), and Malice (1993), a film about a young couple who wished to raise a family.

The seemingly happy couple was also trying to have a family off-screen. Kidman said she preferred having children to having a prosperous acting career after having two unsuccessful pregnancies with Cruise.

“I wanted to have children as soon as Tom and I got married.Additionally, we lost a baby very early on, which was quite upsetting. And at that point, we decided to adopt Bella,” she said in an interview. “Considering that I rarely speak much about many subjects, there is a complicated backstory to it. Maybe the tale will be recounted someday. That’s how it began, and when I was 25 my family adopted Bella.

Two years after having Bella (born in 1992), Kidman and Cruise, a devout Scientologist, adopted Connor in 1995. In December 2000, the To Die For actress and her Maverick husband celebrated their tenth wedding anniversary with friends.

“I thought our life together was perfect,” she remarked. However, two months later, her world came tumbling down when Cruise abruptly announced their breakup, saying only, “Nic knows why.”

Kidman claimed that her agents had forewarned her that, with Cruise, her career was doomed. You are aware that your career will end once you become Mrs. Tom Cruise. She remembered being told, “You’re going to shoot yourself in the foot.

She divorced Cruise because it was the wisest course of action, and they were correct.The Golden Compass star went on to win her first Academy Award for 2002’s The Hours after obtaining her first nomination for Moulin Rouge (2001).

The lovely singer later found her happily ever after with one of country music’s hottest artists, Keith Urban, at G’Day LA, a festival honouring Australians who had immigrated to America.

Regarding their early relationship, Kidman remarked, “We were very, very quiet about it and we managed to get through a long period of time without people knowing about us-which is pretty much our style still.”

The gorgeous pair made their engagement public during the 2006 Grammy Awards, and they got married in June of the same year. Four months after their wedding, the Kiwi-Australian country artist checked into the Betty Ford Clinic for a 90-day stay.

I’ve gained a tonne of knowledge via my relationship with a recovering person. I’m more than happy to accompany him on the journey. She talked about their supporting and loving connection and said, “The two of us are incredibly committed to our partnership. “We managed to step through a very, very, very unpleasant, painful spot…That’s all there is to say. Anything extra would be excessive and superfluous at this time. And because I feel like it kind of jinxes it, I won’t continue.”

Urban and Kidman, who are currently recovering, split their time between homes in Australia, New York, California, and Nashville, Tennessee. Despite being told she had a low probability of becoming pregnant, the couple had Sunday Rose, their first “miracle” child, just a few days after their second wedding anniversary in 2006. Kidman had turned 40 at the time.

“Having my child has been therapeutic. I struggled for so long to conceive. I’m incredibly grateful. Sunday did a tremendous lot of healing for me. She just has, and it’s a really intimate thing,” exclaimed Kidman.

The couple’s luck continued as they had their second child, Faith Margaret, in 2008 with the help of a gestational carrier, two years later.

In celebration of their 17th wedding anniversary, Urban and Kidman, both 55, recently uploaded a sultry Instagram photo with the caption “Happy anniversary my love.”

Comments from admirers such as “Happy anniversary to a beautiful pair! I adore seeing you two interact,” and “You two are adorable! “Happy Anniversary!”

Earlier in June, on Father’s Day, Kidman posted a cute photo of Urban and their children riding in a go-kart. The message on the photo reads, “Happy Father’s Day to the coolest dad there is!” We all adore you very much! Your females.

Congratulations for Father’s Day were offered by many followers, but some also added, “so sweet and very (hot),” and “So beautiful and precious.”

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