Robert De Niro’s lawyer reveals how his ex-wife forced him to work to be able to fund her luxury lifestyle
Robert De Niro spent a great time of his life in Hollywood and has been in the show business for years more than we can ever remember.
Robert has always been someone who kept his private life off the screen, but we all know about his two different divorces. His last divorce happened in 2018 and that was with Grace Hightower.

Their divorce wasn’t news at that time until Robert’s lawyer revealed more reasons behind their divorce.
Robert’s lawyer revealed that the actor was forced to work in other to afford Hightower’s luxurious lifestyle.
Many actors always end up marrying people in their industry it rarely happens when they get to marry other people.
It was always better to marry someone in the industry as they will know how to handle each other regarding the fame and all worth not.

Robert De Niro was born in New York City on August 17, 1943. His both parents were painters and were gifted at what they do.
At a young age, Robert loved watching movies and often went with his father and he went to get acting classes for free as his mother worked as a copyeditor for a dramatic shop.
He made his stage debut in the wizard of Oz at the age of 10. It was at that moment that his talent was discovered and they knew he was going to make it big in the industry.

Robert got admitted into High School of Music and Art in New York and he later dropped out along the way as he was unprepared and he didn’t feel like he had a special talent either.
Robert and Grace met in 1987 in a London nightclub and got married a decade later and announced the birth of their son Elliot a year later.
They welcomed their daughter Helen in 2011and 7 years later they ended their 20 years of marriage. Ever since then, the report says Robert has been living on the bench of collapse as he struggles to afford his ex-wife’s extravagant lifestyle.
De Niro’s lawyer, Caroline Krauss, claims that Hightower has “a thirst for Stella McCartney” and has even bought a $1 million-plus diamond ring, as reported by Page Six. Business Insider, meanwhile, writes that De Niro has cut Grace’s monthly credit card limit from $100,000 to $50,000 in a bid to cut down on her spendings.

Hightower’s lawyer fired back at them saying that talk of his finances being in disarray is “nonsense”.
“I’m not a believer that a man who has an admitted worth of $500 million and makes $30 million a year, all of a sudden in March he needs to cut down [spousal support] by 50 percent and ban her from the house,” McDonough said.
No one can say much about the situation, the court might do justice to it.
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