Stupidity comes in all shapes and sizes
I have come across different people who have proven how absurd they are in many ways.
Most days of my teenage life was spent on learning humans and how they reason. I got to know and choose what’s best for me and the attitudes I ought to condone and the ones I had to shun.

Some tagged me rude and bitchy, but I don’t care, I prefer setting my standards rather than letting experience teach me. I made use of my senses more.
Schooling in Forcados high school was the best thrilling experience I ever had. I knew no one will ever forget my deeds in that citadel of learning.
As a new student who got admitted into the school in the odd hours of the school season, they felt I could be stupid and not being able to fend for myself, well I proved them otherwise.
I wanted to go unnoticed until the school’s most handsome boy declared interest in me. How funny it is that he declared interest in o the whole school without asking for my say first. He felt he was doing me a favor by choosing me, as girls were always at his beck and call.
Worst still, the daft girls that were all crushing on him, started giving me evil eyes. I acted as nothing happened. The arrogant boy never came to meet me; he was expecting me to run up to him and thank him for choosing me, so dumb.
Everyone felt I was clumsy as I always maintained my distance because they were all daft. I couldn’t take it any longer until I started seeing threatening write-ups in my locker. I faced the culprits one on one; I didn’t fight them, I just gave them a little piece of me, even the so-called handsome boy of the school.
They all learned I was not someone to mess with and kept their distance. It feels good putting stupid people in their place.
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