When I was a kid we ate what Mom cooked
When I was a kid we ate what Mom cooked. If we didn’t like it, we didn’t eat. Were you raised that way too?

When I was growing up, this was exactly true! My parents both worked very hard and my mother always came home and cooked a good meal and we ate as a family. I loved the values my parents instilled in my siblings and I as we were growing up. We were taught to respect my mothers hard work and we all loved her cooking! Dinner time was bonding time, a place where we all came together after work and school to talk about our day. As kids, we were taught to help out, we set the dinner table, sometimes we helped Mom prepare the meal and we always helped clear the table and do dishes. I’m going to be honest, there were something’s that we might not of liked, but we still ate it! We learned to appreciate the value of a home cooked meal! My mother was an amazing cook. Nowadays, many families cater to their kids and families aren’t sitting at the table as a family. Times sure have changed and I am so glad I hold onto the values of a good meal and quality family time.
Of all the gifts that life has to offer, a loving mother is the greatest of them all.

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