Prior to her passing, Lisa Marie Presley regretted this the most
Numerous people are reminiscing about Lisa Marie Presley’s past, particularly her personal relationships, as the devastating news of her passing hits Hollywood entertainment.
The fact that Lisa Marie and Jackson split after only two years of marriage, however, shows that their marriage struggled. In a 1996 interview with the New York Times, Lisa Marie spoke about her decision to quit her relationship with Michael Jackson.

She reflected, “I was still really young and trying to decide what would be better for me: being with someone who has nothing and then gets trampled and has no ego because they suddenly became ‘Mr. Presley,’ or being with someone whose circumstance is comparable to mine.
Michael Jackson has a similar meteoric ascent to fame as Elvis Presley, Lisa Marie Presley’s late father. After being wed to Lisa Marie for more than ten years, Michael Jackson and Elvis Presley both passed very tragically. She admitted that she was truly sorry for their marriage’s dissolution following his death.

Lisa Marie Presley expressed regret for not intervening to stop Michael Jackson from continuing the legacy of her late father, Elvis Presley.
After Michael Jackson went unexpectedly in 2009, Elvis Presley revealed in an honest and open Myspace blog post that MJ had expressed concern that fame would take his life, just as it had taken Elvis’ many years before.
In her response post, which was posted on, she stated, “I wanted to save him. I wanted to protect him from the inevitable, and that’s exactly what happened.”

“The option to walk away and let his fate have him was one of the hardest decisions I have ever been forced to make, even though I truly loved him and tried to stop or reverse it in some way. I went through a time after the divorce when I couldn’t stop thinking about him and regretting the things I should have done differently.
When Lisa Marie was photographed by herself next to her friend’s casket at Michael Jackson’s burial, it appeared as though she was displaying her sadness. Lisa Marie responded, “It felt more like I wanted to apologise for not being around,” when asked by Express in 2021 if she found “peace” in that moment caught on camera.
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