
The dark Family secret of Jack Nicholson

There are many fans of the famous Jack Nicholson. Nicholson had the true power and talent of an actor. Nicholson is now 81 years old. He has worked with many actors and actresses during his acting career. But you must be unaware of a secret which his family hides from him over the years.


It is a secret that can only be discovered by chance. In 1937 on 22 April Jack Nicholson was born in New York City. The actor grew up in New Jersey with his mother, Ethel Nicholson who was an owner of a beauty salon.

His father was an alcoholic person who left his family when Nicholson was a child. June, his sister was a dancer who later joined acting. At the age of 17, Nicholson shifted to Loss Angeles.


In 1963 unfortunately June died of cancer and after seven years his mother also died.
Nicholson worked hard for his successful career and achieved fame. Once he received a phone call which changed his life. The call was from a reporter who has searched everything about Nicholson and wanted to confirm.

The secret was revealed that June was the biological mother of Nicholson whom he thought was his sister and Ethel was not his mother but his grandmother actually.


But when Nicholson called his second sister who was actually his aunt emotionally confirmed the family secret. Jack Nicholson told “It was a pretty dramatic event, but it wasn’t what I’d call traumatizing…I was pretty well psychologically formed,”

June was only 18 years old when she gave birth to jack and was unmarried at that time. So it was decided by her family that Jack would be raised by her parents and she will play the role of Jack’s sister.

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